Infoserver, Inc. is a consulting company that specializes in providing tools to assist the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) in strategically managing the hospital. It does this by providing information useful to hospital administration. As anyone that has worked in an administrative role in these hospitals knows the right course to take on a given challenge or opportunity can be counter intuitive. This is due to the fact that Medicare pays these hospitals on the basis of cost. When cost goes up, the hospital receives additional reimbursement from the Medicare program. This sounds to the novice as a “no-lose” situation. The problem comes in the detail!!! One must know how much Medicare business the hospital has and it is also important to know how much other business is paid for by commercial payers, state payers (Medicaid), and how many patients (from a percentage perspective) have no insurance at all (the proverbial “no-pay” patient).
Infoserver is owned and operated by Hervey Davis. Mr. Davis formally retired from an active role as a CAH administrator in 2016. This ended a career spanning a little over 30 years. The last 25 years were spent in rural settings. He served in development roles, finance roles and was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a small hospital in southern Illinois where he worked for the last 14 years of his career. He has an intimate understanding of what it takes to make these hospitals prosper. His goal for the foreseeable future is to develop his consulting practice through Infoserver, Inc. with an eye toward providing tools to make client Critical Access Hospitals successful.